Our 2-week virtual Success Plan training and certificate program starts on Monday, August 19, 2024. This program for CSMs is all about working with customers in the "ongoing" phase of the lifecycle; you know, after Onboarding and Adoption but before Renewal This is the lifecycle phase where momentum is generally lost, engagement suffers, and customers often operate without direction. This can lead to churn, but more often leads to contraction at renewal (revenue churn) and definitely keeps expansion from happening. This program fixes all of that by teaching you:
And so much more! Our Impact Academy programs are a combination of on-demand and live sessions via Zoom. Even though this is a "virtual" program, space is limited due to the interactive nature of our live sessions. Learn more and sign-up here. ~Lincoln BTW: This is one of our most popular programs and tends to fill up fast. So please, if you intend to participate, take immediate action to ensure a spot is available. Learn more and sign-up here. |
I help SaaS companies Maximize LTV through Customer-centric Upselling
TL;DR - You missed the "Save Customers" workshop. Buy the workshop replay here. You'll get instant access. Stop churn in Q1! The two “Save Customers” workshops were packed with high-impact, no-nonsense tactics to stop churn in Q1. We spent two hours breaking down actionable strategies and another 45 minutes in Q&A to tackle real-world challenges. And you missed it. I showed how a single system-generated email can trigger cancellations—and exactly how to fix your cancel flow to stop churn. We...
TL;DR - This daily email series - 7 ways to take control of churn in Q1 - is what we'll cover in the "Save Customers" workshop TODAY, Jan-15 (16 in Australia). It's good stuff on its own; it's better if you come to the workshop and get the details. Yesterday, I sent you an email with the subject Save Meetings that Actually Work, so go find that if you missed it. Today, I’m going to talk about why leading with discounts or downgrades won’t save your customers—and what will. If a customer is on...
TL;DR - This daily email series - 7 ways to take control of churn - is what we'll cover in the "Save Customers" workshop this Wed Jan-15 (Thurs 16 in Australia). It's good stuff on its own; it's better if you come to the workshop and get the details. On Friday, I sent you an email with the subject Stop Churn using Tactical Timing, so go find that if you missed it. Today, I’m going to talk about how to use psychology to trigger immediate customer action and stop churn when it matters most....