Need a distraction? (2 podcast episodes)

Our last two podcast episodes are bangers (in the context of Customer Success, that is. To regular people they are likely quite boring and off-putting).

If you need something to listen to this weekend - and if you're in the USA you probably really need a distraction right about now - check out our latest episodes on Lifecycle Stages and how Customer Success is in its Efficiency Era now.

Have a great weekend!

~ Lincoln

BTW: The best way to improve an efficiency metric like ARR per Employee is to get more revenue from your existing customers.

Our 2-week intensive Expansion program at Impact Academy starts 4-December and will be a great way to set you up for success in 2024, whether that success is Growth, Profit, or Efficiency.

Learn more and sign-up here.

Lincoln Murphy

I help SaaS companies Maximize LTV through Customer-centric Upselling

Read more from Lincoln Murphy

Don’t worry about upsells until churn is below 10%? Really? No, this mindset limits growth and stifles potential. Unless your environment is overtly customer-negative and you have massive churn across your entire customer base, you don’t need to hit some mythical churn threshold before upselling. Yes, address churn where it’s an issue, but also recognize that some customers are progressing and ready for expansion NOW. Here’s the truth: Even with higher churn in some cohorts, you have other...

Our 2-week Retention training and certificate program starts on Monday, June 17, 2024. Our first live session is on Tuesday. This program is so unique because we take a different approach to Customer and Revenue retention. We focus on the differences between Proactive and Reactive Retention, how to move from the latter to the former through better prioritization, orchestration, and directing limited resources to higher-percentage activities. This program is practical in every sense of the...

This week's Impact Weekly podcast episode is up (Listen here or on Spotify or Apple) and in it, Johan and I answer a variety of questions about Churn, including: What are the key indicators for predicting churn in advance? How to prevent churn when you have no control over price rises (set by head office) Is there a particular NRR %, or threshold below 100% NRR that would be a particular alarm bell for you? Is there a tolerance that you'd expect to see in B2B SaaS? And more! We give some VERY...