[Course Launch] Powerful Meetings

TL;DR: I just launched my newest course Powerful Meetings: From Routine to Results. The first 50 sign-ups get it for 50% off (save $100!). Learn more and claim that discount here. Code: 50FOR50

Meetings are the most expensive thing we do in Customer Success—both in actual and opportunity cost—yet most of them are a waste of those resources.

If you’ve mastered meetings—getting attendees interested, setting up agendas, using async carve outs, self-service deflection, and ensuring proper follow-up—feel free to skip this course. You’re good.

But if you’re frustrated by no-shows, cancellations, or feeling like meetings are eating up time better spent elsewhere, I’ve got something for you.

I just launched my Customer Engagement Masterclass on Powerful Meetings. In this course I cover everything you need to make your meetings more effective and efficient.

I guarantee if you apply what you learn in this course, your meetings will be more efficient and effective or I'll give you your money back.

Don't wait to sign-upthe discount ends after 50 people claim it.


BTW: You can start applying what you learn in this course immediately and really set yourself up for a far more productive and enjoyable 2025!

Learn more and claim that 50% discount here. Code: 50FOR50


Lincoln Murphy

I help SaaS companies Maximize LTV through Customer-centric Upselling

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